Ipswich Choral Society continually strives to perform innovative and exciting music programmes. Ever increasing costs of hiring rehearsal and performance venues, music hire, artists’ fees and publicity mean the Society is looking for financial support from Friends, Patrons and Sponsors.
Download a subscription form here.
Becoming a Friend
For an individual donation (£25-£99) or joint donation (£40-£99) per year, Friends receive:
- 2 newsletters per year (the end of August and the end of February each year)
- ‘Early Bird’ notification of forthcoming concerts
- A complimentary programme for all concerts (when not included in the ticket price, e.g., Snape programme)
- Complimentary interval drink (when provided)
- Invitation to a rehearsal
Becoming a Patron
For an individual donation (£100-£199) per year, Patrons receive:
- As per Friends privileges, plus one complimentary ticket and interval drink for all concerts
- Reserved seat in the best part of the auditorium
- Acknowledgement in the programme
Becoming a Sponsor
For a donation (£500-£1000) per year, Patrons receive:
- As per Friends and Patrons privileges, plus two complimentary tickets for all concerts
- Two reserved seats in the best part of the auditorium for each concert
- Introduction and drinks with the conductor/composer
NB: Meeting with Conductor/Composer will be arranged individually and could be before the concert begins, during the interval or after the concert has finished.
Download a subscription form here.