ICS Jan23 concert banner

Singing for the first time at Ely Cathedral, Ipswich Choral Society, joined by The Cantate Choir from Kent, will perform Tchaikovsky’s Liturgy of St John Chrysostom on 28 January 2023. Ipswich Choral Society Music Director, Robin Walker, also conducts The Cantate Choir.

Sung unaccompanied, Tchaikovsky composed The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom in 1878. The first performance took place in the Kyiv University Church in June 1879, followed by the first public performance in Moscow in December 1880.

John Chrysostom, appointed archbishop of Constantinople in 397, was one of the most prolific authors in the early Christian church and an excellent preacher. He revised the Divine Liturgy or celebration of the Holy Eucharist and to this day, is still celebrated by the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches. There are several feast days dedicated to St John Chrysostom, one of which is the 27th January.

Prayer for Ukraine is a patriotic hymn which has become the spiritual anthem of Ukraine. First published in 1885, it gained national significance during the Ukrainian war of independence in 1917-1920. Since the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine it has gained further prominence, being performed at many international concerts and church services. There will be a retiring collection after the concert in aid of the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Ipswich Choral Society will be offering a coach travel and concert ticket package for anyone from Ipswich wishing to attend the concert. The coach will leave from Crown Street at 5pm on 28th January. If you are interested, please contact chair@ipswichchoralsociety.org by 10th January for more details.


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Tchaikovsky

Prayer for Ukraine, Lysenko / Konysky

 Ipswich Choral Society

The Cantate Choir

Robin Walker, Music Director

Saturday 28 January 2023, 7.30pm

Ely Cathedral, Ely, CB7 4DL

Tickets: £15*

Available from ICS Ticket Line 07597 052572 or online here.

Retiring collection in aid of DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

*Ticket booking fee may apply