Friday, February 21, 2025 - 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm

Grundisburgh Village Hall, Ipswich Road, Grundisburgh IP13 6US

General knowledge, anagrams, cryptic photos and mystery feely boxes. Includes a delicious oven baked potato with cheese, baked beans and coleslaw, plus a choice of desserts, for only £12 a head.  

Teams of six people, only bookings for whole teams accepted.  If you haven’t a team, just email us and we will try and put you in touch with others. Sorry, we can not assemble scratch teams on the night or accept separate bookings of £12.

Cash bar and raffle | Parking available

Doors open at 6.30pm, Quiz starts at 7pm

Team Leaders

Please make payment for your team as soon as possible and by Friday 14th February 2025 at the latest.

Email me to let me know that you have done so, as bookings will close once we have 12 teams. If any of your members will be needing a gluten free dessert please ensure that we are informed as soon as possible.  Once you have paid and I have emailed you an acknowledgment, your team is booked in – there are no paper tickets. We do not need to know the names of your six team members – if they quote your name on arrival they will be allowed in.

To pay by BACS transfer (preferred)

  • Payee: Ipswich Choral Society
  • Sort code 08-92-99
  • Account No 65541449
  • Amount: £72  (ie £12 x 6 team members)

Important – Please use your Surname and Quiz in the reference field – this is the only way we know who the payment has come from.

Payment by card, cash or cheque

You can pay by sending a cheque, or by cash or credit card at a rehearsal.  please email me for details.

Map Unavailable